Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Today's Personalities

12 साल के बच्चे ने डिजाइन किया ऐसा जहाज जो करेगा समुद्र की सफाई

12 साल के हाजिक काजी ने एक ऐसे जहाज का डिजाइन किया है जो समुद्र में तैरने के साथ इसकी सफाई भी करेगा। इसके जरिए जल प्रदूषण को कम करने और मरीन लाइफ को बचाने में मदद मिलेगी।
महाराष्ट्र के पुणे निवासी 12 साल के हाजिक काजी ने एक ऐसा जहाज का मॉडल तैयार किया है जो सिर्फ तैरेगा ही नहीं, बल्कि समुद्र से गंदगी भी साफ करेगा। इसके जरिए जल प्रदूषणको कम करने और मरीन लाइफ(समुद्री जीव-जंतु और पौधे) को बचाने में मदद मिलेगी। 12 साल के बच्चे के इस आइडिया की दुनिया भर में तारीफ हो रही है। 
हाजिक काजी ने बताया, 'मैंने कुछ डॉक्युमेंट्री देखीं और महसूस किया कि समुद्र के जीव-जंतुओं पर कचरे का कितना असर होता है। मैंने सोचा कि कुछ करना चाहिए।' काजी ने आगे बताया, 'हम जो मछली खाने में खाते हैं, वह समुद्र में प्लास्टिक खा रही हैं इसलिए एक तरह से हम भी समुद्र की गंदगी खा रहे हैं और यह मानव जीवन को भी प्रभावित कर रही है। इसलिए मैंने एक जहाज का डिजाइन तैयार किया, जो समुद्र की गंदगी साफ करेगा और इसे एर्विस (ERVIS) नाम दिया है।

जहाज के फंक्शन और फीचर के बारे में काजी बताते हैं, 'जहाज सेंट्रीपेटल फोर्स का इस्तेमाल करके कचरे को खींच लेगा। इसके बाद यह पानी, मरीन लाइफ और कचरे को अलग-अलग करेगा। मरीन लाइफ और पानी को वापस समुद्र में भेज दिया जाएगा जबकि प्लास्टिक वेस्ट को 5 अलग-अलग भागों में बांटा जाएगा।

कई संगठनों ने की तारीफ
काजी अपने इस आइडिया को TedEx और Ted8 के जरिए इंटरनैशनल प्लैटफॉर्म में भी पेश कर चुके हैं। उनके इस आइडिया की कई इंटरनैशनल स्कॉलर्स और संगठन प्रशंसा कर चुके हैं। काजी का दावा है कि उनके द्वारा डिजाइन किए गए जहाज के बेस से एक मशीन जुड़ी होगी जो समुद्र से प्लास्टिक कचरे को खींचकर इसे साइज के अनुसार बांटने का काम करेगी।

उनके डिजाइन के अनुसार, जहाज के निचले हिस्से में एक सेंसर या मैकेनिज्म होगा जो मरीन लाइफ, पानी और प्लास्टिक को डिटेक्ट करेगी। काजी ने बताया कि जब वह 9 साल के थे तब उनके दिमाग में यह आइडिया आया। वह समुद्री जीव जंतुओं के लिए कुछ करना चाहते थे। 

Origin stories

At one festival of inventions hosted by Somaiya Vidyavihar, students dreamed up 3-D printed prosthetics, a light, Wi-Fi-enabled undersea vehicle and cool ways to help the disabled get around. Here’s how they did it

A3D-printed prosthetic arm, an autonomous underwater vehicle, and a mobile phone for the physically challenged — Maker Mela 2019, held last week, displayed some interesting inventions last week. School students, collegians and entrepreneurs gathered at Somaiya Vidyavihar to pitch to experts and investors at the annual event.
Organised by Somaiya’s Research Innovation Incubation Design Laboratory (RiiDL) from January 17 to 19, Maker Mela featured 18 students among the 100 inventors aged 8 to 83, from Pune, Nashik, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Kochi, Jaipur and Tripura, among other cities.

One team created a 3D-printed arm, with moving fingers. Another had worked out a prototype for an underwater vehicle that could take pictures of coral reefs and marine life and share them in real time over Wi-Fi.
“We are happy to be able to act as facilitators for inventors, help them meet other creators, network and possibly take their ideas forward,” says Samir Somaiya, president of Somaiya Vidyavihar.

Gaurang Shetty, chief innovation catalyst at RiiDL, says that apart from showcasing their innovations, students get feedback to help improve.
“Out of the lot, we shortlist six to eight of the top innovations. There is a session arranged for them to pitch their ideas to industry experts. The experts ask them various questions, and this is where the team’s presentation and communication skills come handy. They learn a great deal through the pitching session. And as they move around checking other exhibits, they get to interact with other inventors as well.” A HANDY TRICK For 21-year-old Reethan DL, a mechanical engineering student from Bengaluru, the physical rehabilitation centre near his house was the inspiration to create a 3D-printed prosthetic arm and hand. “Our primary aim was to make it low-cost, because affordability is a big problem with today’s prosthetics,” he says. He and fellow engineering students Shreyas SP and R Aishwarya worked with Mukesh Patil, head of the department of mechanical engineering at their college, BNM Institute of Technology, and with L Vijayashree, head of the MBA department, to create a prototype.

They have received a grant of Rs 2.5 lakh from the Karnataka state department of science and technology. “The arm we have created costs less than Rs10,000,” Reethan says. “My team already was well-versed in 3D printing and it wasn’t much of a task to make the prosthetic arm. The prototype cost us Rs 12,000 to Rs 17,000. But if we create in bulk, the it will bemuch cheaper to make. With the government grant, we are now planning to make more such arms, reach out to the disabled at give it to them at a low cost,” he adds. EYES UNDERWATER It took 20 students a whole year to create a Wi-Fi-enabled autonomous underwater vehicle that can take pictures of oil fields or coral reefs or aquatic life and relay them virtually, in real time.
The vehicle also has a surveillance feature that can display obstacles along the way.
“We invested Rs 4 lakh on the device,” says Vivek Mange, 21, an engineering student at KJ Somaiya who was among the creators. “Unlike the other submersibles that use advanced technology, our aim was to make one with simple coding and image processing that can give quality images,” he says.
Their version is also lighter. “Generally, the machines weigh 200kg to 300 kg. But our machine weighs just 15kg to 17 kg. It can be remote-controlled gives us video footage while simultaneously displaying obstacles and showing the paths available,” Mange says. HOT WHEELS Vishrut Bhatt, 21, an engineering student from Ahmedabad, created what he calls Handicare, a device that consists of a seat, a set of six wheels, a steering handle and brake, to help the physically challenged move around independently.

The device is modelled on a toy car. It runs when the handle is moved and can be steered in a leftright direction as well.
Bhatt describes Handicare as a device for those who have use of their hands but have leg impairments and cannot move around easily. “I have got 200 people use Handicare through an NGO in my locality,” he says. “It moves at normal walking pace.”

It cost him Rs 30,000 to make Handicare, he says. “But I sell it for only Rs 2,500. I have approached the Gujarat government to help us reach as many disabled people as possible.”
students learn a great deal through the pitching session. The experts ask them various questions, and this is where their presentation and communication skills come handy. GAURANG SHETTY, chief innovation catalyst at RiiDL

Stem cells to pave way for new treatment of diabetes

Now, scientists turn carbon emissions into usable energy

Robots, future of drug delivery

Govt forms Niti-led panel to monitor pricing of drugs

MUMBAI: The government on Monday constituted a standing committee headed by Niti Aayog to oversee the drug pricing regime, a move which could clip the powers of drug pricing regulator, National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA). The Standing Committee on Affordable Medicines and Health Products will be headed by NITI Aayog member (health), and includes chief economic adviser, besides secretary department of health research, director general of health services, vice-chairperson, National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) and joint secretary department of industrial policy and promotion. The notification issued on Monday says the committee will be "a recommending body to NPPA, regarding prices of drugs and health products'', and may examine issues suo-moto or on recommendation of department of pharma, NPPA and department of health. The development comes in the backdrop of recent run-ins between the health and pharma ministries over regulating prices, but now the power centre could be shifting to the policy thinktank. Sources said the proposal has been in the works for nearly a year, and was first discussed in April between Niti Aayog and PMO, with the objective of amending the Drug Price Control Order, 2013. Health activists feel the committee has been vested with sweeping powers to oversee the pricing regime, at the cost of undermining NPPA, and this may have repercussions on affordability of drugs.

Source:THE TIMES OF INDIA-22nd January,2019

Lupin gets USFDA nod to market hypothyroidism treatment drug

Drug firm Lupin said it had received approval from the U.S. health regulator to market Levothyroxine Sodium tablets used for treating hypothyroidism. The company has received the USFDA’s approval to market the tablets in the strengths of 25 microgram (mcg), 50 mcg, 75 mcg, 88 mcg, 100 mcg, 112 mcg, 125 mcg, 137 mcg, 150 mcg, 175 mcg, 200 mcg, and 300 mcg, Lupin said.

Source: THE HINDU-22nd January,2019

Indian Oil Corporation mein ITI kamyaab, Diploma In Engineering aur kisi bhi faculty ke graduates ke liye apprenticeship

Thursday, January 17, 2019

New Arrival Journals

Main M.Pharm karna chahti hun, iskeliye mujhe kya karna hoga?

World’s tallest artificial waterfall cascades off a skyscraper in China

The waterfall is a 350 ft manmade structure on the façade of Liebian International Plaza in Guizhou province
Guizhou province in China has the country’s largest waterfall and one of the biggest in Asia.
The region now also features one of the world’s tallest man-made waterfalls, located on the facade of the Liebian International Building in the city of Guiyang. The 350 ft artificial waterfall is the tallest to come down the side of a building.
Liebian International Plaza also includes a hotel, office space, and a shopping mall. Guizhou is a fastgrowing area with multiple huge projects underway. The province also features the highest bridge in the world and the largest single-dish radio telescope on the planet.
For special occasions only
A giant tank on the ground collects rainwater that is used for the waterfall. It takes two hours to prepare for the waterfall to run, and
Four 185-kilowatt pumps lift the water to the top of the skyscraper from a large tank at its foot
the flow is powered by four water pumps. Running the waterfall for just one hour adds about $120 to the skyscraper’s electricity bill. Since getting the waterfall to run involves a lot of processes, officials say they will only turn it on for special occasions.
The waterfall was finished in 2016, but it ran only six times between its completion and July 2018. Officials turned in on for 30 minutes on July 22 last year to celebrate the Guiyang International Marathon.
For a ‘feeling of water and greenery’
If the waterfall remained turned on for an entire year, it would cost about $1 million. It is nearly 10 feet taller than the Solar City Tower in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which previously held the record for the tallest man-made waterfall.
The waterfall was built by Ludi Industry Group. Director of the company Cheng Xiaomao said that the company’s president Zhou Songtao wanted to promote the city’s green image. “Guiyang is a city of mountains and with many trees, just like a forest. He wanted to create a feeling of water and greenery, even when you are surrounded by skyscrapers,” Cheng said.

India Art Festival

Colombo tops ‘must photograph’ place of 2019 list

Free health screening at all dispensaries across Mumbai

Friday, January 11, 2019

IIT Madras scientists create space fuel in lab

A flurry of drug recalls hits Indian pharma firms in US - Torrent Pharmaceuticals, Aurobindo, Indian unit of Mylan among cos recalling drugs for various impurities

Top 5 Tech Trend Predictions To Watch Out For This Year

As the new year begins, we eagerly look forward to new inventions, innovations, roll-outs, and improvements with racing hearts.
Technology has made lives easier for all and has accelerated the growth and transformation of industries and businesses. Early adopters of technology have enjoyed the most prominent positions in the world. Let’s have a look at what 2019 might have in store for us.  
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
PWAs have been gaining momentum over the last few years and 2019 should be the year where it will be adopted as the mainstream for mobile app development. Mobile web already has better discoverability but the user engagement on mobile apps is much better. PWAs are here to provide the best of both worlds while being lightweight, secure, responsive, ubiquitous and providing faster and easier updates. We should see iOS support for push notifications in Safari this year which should fast-track its adoption.
Data lakes
Data lakes have been around for a while, in fact, since the advent of Hadoop. While they have been successfully used in bigger companies, its adoption has not been as widespread in smaller companies as they are slow, difficult to develop, test and maintain, and require a specialized skill set. But thanks to the decoupling of storage and compute in cloud, and the proliferation of open-source tools like spark, presto and cloud tools like athena and bigquery, storing, maintaining and analyzing data should not cost an arm for smaller companies. So, the traditional data warehouses are going out of vogue, and Data lake adoption has grown and will continue to do so through 2019.
NewSQL databases
It has been a decade since NoSQL databases have rocked the world and they still continue to go strong. People who used to hate SQL quickly embraced NoSQL for its simplicity, but soon started to realize the shortcoming of these systems. Most of them do not provide us with ACID transactions. Even the ones that claim to be CP systems (consistent and partition tolerant) tend to be only eventually consistent. This is where these so-called NewSQL systems, led by Spanner and followed by CockroachDB and TiDB, tip the scales back in favour of SQL. They are consistent, scalable, handles replication and automatic failover. Some of them even received rave reviews from the distributed system community. Expect them to gain momentum and market share in 2019.
What a decade it has been for cryptocurrency! It has its lovers and haters but one thing is for certain - the underlying technology, blockchain, is here to stay. While blockchain has been the technology powering cryptocurrency for the last decade, we will notice a trend shift to cryptocurrency being reduced to just being a currency for other blockchain-based technologies. Dubai has vowed to replace all its government systems to distribute ledger technology and a few states in India seek to do the same despite the government's negative attitude towards cryptocurrencies. DLT provides the underlying trust, immutability and transparency that many systems desperately need and startups and governments alike seem to be onboard with it. 
Edge Computing
Cloud computing has changed the way that many companies efficiently use and share computing power over the last decade. Edge computing can go a step further by taking control of the computing applications, data and services away from the central nodes to the other extreme i.e. closer to where the data is produced/consumed. This reduces the communication bandwidth and helps efficiently utilize the unused computing power. Google has released TFlite, which is one of the first steps to doing ML on devices. Expect your devices in your pockets to get hotter this year.
Technological changes are tremendous and fast-paced, and scale up businesses without any geographical limitations. Active implementation and embracing of technology and its related changes will help a business survive in this cut-throat, competitive and predatory market. If one fails to embrace these technological advancements and changes or even falls behind in implementing them, then they face a potential threat or extinction. It is not that these new technological trends will benefit only businesses, they will also open up the floodgates for a skilled workforce like developers and data scientists who would be in high demand to meet the future requirements. All in all, a win-win situation for all could be in the making in 2019.  


Friday, January 04, 2019

New Arrival Journals

GATE 2019: One-month preparation plan

Know how to prepare for GATE 2019 in one month, important tips to score high in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2019.
GATE 2019: The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2019 is scheduled to be held on February 2, 3, 9, 10 2019. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras has released the complete exam schedule with paper wise exam date and sessions. Candidates need a minimum cut-off score, varying between 25 to 45, to qualify GATE. A greater score than that is required to get a good rank in order to get M.Tech admission in IITs or clear cut off for PSU recruitment.
Candidates can download GATE 2019 Admit Card from January 4, 2019, at GOAPS. With a month to go for your GATE exam, we bring a one-month preparation plan with important tips, do’s and don’ts.
First and foremost, GATE will test your understanding of concepts and not rote learning. So be sure you have a firm hold on all the basics. Taking notes and teaching someone (or pretending to teach) improves grasping power.
Candidates should practise solving problems on all concepts studied. This can be done by solving examples and problems given in GATE preparation books, previous year question papers, sample papers, GATE mock tests.
Past year papers should be solved because concepts and types of questions are repeated. It also helps you be prepared for the actual difficulty level of exam.
Taking online mock tests kills two birds with one stone. One, you get to practice more questions of GATE exam level. Second, you get hands-on experience with the online test.
Mock tests should be taken either from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, or 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM, depending upon what slot has been allotted to you as per your GATE 2019 Admit Card. Doing this will prepare your body clock to be alert and attentive during those hours when you will actually have to take the exam.
Keep your confidence levels high. You can do this by engaging in activities, surrounding yourself with such people that motivate you. Being confident directly makes your learning abilities better and helps you remain calm during the exam. Lowered levels of anxiety during the exam are crucial to perform well.

Assess expected time for a question. This is a habit you develop by practising. As soon as you see a question, you should be able to tell how much time it will take.
Be a pro with a virtual calculator. A virtual calculator is a weapon in your hand. The better you use it, the better you can perform. So in the last one month before the exam, do all your calculations in a virtual calculator.
There will be multi-session papers for civil engineering and mechanical engineering. This year GATE is being conducted for 24 subjects, which is one subject more than last year. Statistics was been introduced this year.
Post-exam, answer key of GATE 2019 shall be displayed at GOAPS along with candidate responses. Those who appear in the exam will be able to submit objections to the responses and answers through the objection submission form on the official website.
GATE 2019 Result will be announced on March 16, 2019, on the basis of answers finalised by IIT. The validity of GATE scores is for 3 years from the date of declaration of result.


Pencil man makes a mark of his own

Afsal Naranipuzha, the Malappuram-based mechanical engineering graduate, popularly known as 'Afsal NPZ,' who made a mark in the field of pencil art with scintillating works.
KOCHI: We have seen many who conveyed their thoughts on canvases. But it is quite rare to see someone transforming the tool itself as a canvas. Meet, Afsal Naranipuzha, the Malappuram-based mechanical engineering graduate, popularly known as 'Afsal NPZ,' who made a mark in the field of pencil art with scintillating works.
Like many miniature artists, it was the Telugu movie Eega that inspired Afsal to try his luck in the world of graphites. Gradually, the 'timepass' transformed into a serious affair. 
"I started the work a year ago. It was an attempt out of sheer curiosity. When my friends appreciated the works, I decided to make them on a commercial basis," says Afsal, who currently works as a tutor in a private firm at Tirur. 

Though Afsal has painted wall art during his engineering days, the miniature art was quite testing for him. "It took more than a day to complete my first work. Though it was just a 'heart design,' the effort to get the final result is huge. Nowadays, I take around an hour to complete one work. The pricing depends on the effort," says the 23-year-old. 
Interestingly, the artist made the tools on his own according to the need. "I used my engineering knowledge for grinding the needles, blades, surgical knife and other materials needed for the work. Due to the severe strain to eyes, I stopped using magnifying lenses during the work," says Afsal.
In addition, he went through an array of research for selecting apt pencils for the work. "Each artwork demands different sizes of graphite. Depending on the style of the work, we have to combine the pencils. I prefer long pencils with a decent diameter," he says. 
Other than carving out shapes of renowned faces and monuments, Afsal made an artwork last September as a tribute to fishermen for their relentless rescue operations during the floods. He has  also presented his creations to celebrities such as Dulquer Salmaan and Soubin Sahir.  
Although he took it up out of passion, Afsal confesses there were moments when he lost his temper during the work. "To avoid all sorts of distractions, I usually work at night. However, I often lost my cool each time the tip of  the pencil broke. But, that's the part and parcel of the profession," says Afsal. 
Afsal has participated in several group exhibitions and is planning to organise a solo event soon. "I have been part of several events held at Thrissur and Palakkad. As of now, I have completed 50 works in all. A solo event demands even more. I'm working on a few projects and expects to complete them by next year," he says.