Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Brain Ticklers - Pharmacy

1. Chronic long-term therapy of myastheniagravis is usually accomplished with: 
A. Edrophonium 
B. Neostigmine 
C. Echothiophate 
D. Carbachol 

2. Which of the following cholinomimetics is used in the treatment of atropine intoxication? 
A. Neostigmine 
B. Carbachol 
C. Physostigmine 
D. Lobeline 

3. Which neuromuscular blocking agent has the potential to cause the greatest release of histamine? A. Succinylcholine 
B. Tubocurarine 
C. Pancuronium 
D. Rocuronium 

4. Which of the following neuromuscular blocking agents cause cardiac arrhythmias? 
A. Vecuronium 
B. Tubocurarine 
C. Rapacuronium 
D. Succinylcholine

Solution of Brain Ticklers:
1. B. Neostigmine- Neostigmine and Pyridostigmine a class of medications called acetylcholinestrase inhibitors, typically taken every 4-6 hours, which treat just the symptoms associated with Myasthenia gravis. They can enhance the transmission of nerve impulses and increase muscle strength. 

2. C. Physostigmine- Atropine causes anticholinergic toxicity; physostigmine reverses this by inhibiting acetylcholinestrase, given I. V. 

3. B. Tubocurarine- d-tubocurarine causes the most histamine release by a direct effect on mast cells, it is contraindicated in asthmatics and patients with allergies. 

4. D. Succinylcholine is an ultra-short-acting depolarizing-type, skeletal muscle relaxant for intravenous (IV) administration succinylcholine may induce serious cardiac arrhythmias or cardiac arrest due to hyperkalemia