Apple has
approved an updated version of the Telegram messaging service a day after
Telegram complained that it had been prevented from getting software
improvements into the hands of iPhone owners worldwide.
Telegram Chief
Executive Pavel Durov announced the turnabout on Twitter, thanking Apple and
CEO Tim Cook for getting the latest Telegram version “to millions of users,
despite the recent setbacks.” On Thursday, Durov had said Apple had refused to
allow updates in its App Store since April. Apple has so far resisted a Russian
order that month to remove the app from the store entirely, and the update
delay sparked concern that Apple was moving to appease authorities there.
Without an
update, not all Telegram features worked on the latest iPhone software, and
Telegram also said it was running afoul of new European data privacy laws. If
the ban had become permanent, Telegram would have grown unsafe over time.
Neither Apple nor Telegram explained the reason for the prior lack of approval
or for the reversal.