Monday, April 01, 2019

Turn your doodles into photorealistic landscapes

For a novice painter, an attempt to create a sunset landscape with snow-capped mountains on the horizon may end up looking like a multicoloured inkblot. But not if you are armed with AI and deep learning.
In fact, a deep learning model of Nvidia Research can do just the opposite: Turn rough doodles into photorealistic masterpieces. The tool uses generative adversarial networks, or GANs, to convert segmentation maps into lifelike images. The interactive app using the model, in a lighthearted nod to a painter, is named GauGAN.
Smart paintbrush
GauGAN can be a great tool for creating virtual worlds for everyone from architects and urban planners to landscape designers and game developers. With an AI that understands how the real world looks, professionals could better prototype ideas and make rapid changes to a virtual scene.
The tech behind GauGAN can be linked to a ‘smart paintbrush’ that can fill in the details inside rough segmentation maps, the high-level outlines that show the location of objects in a scene.
Synthesising new images
Trained on a million images, the deep learning model then fills in the landscape with surprising results: Draw in a pond, and nearby elements like trees and rocks will appear as reflections in the water. Swap a segment label from ‘grass’ to ‘snow’ and the entire image changes to a winter scene, with a formerly leafy tree turning barren.
The tool also allows users to add a style filter, changing an image to adapt the style of a painter or change a daytime scene to sunset. While it focuses on natural elements like land, sea and sky, it is capable of filling in other landscape features, including buildings, roads and people.