Monday, August 09, 2021

KRRC Event


AIKTC-Central Library (KRRC) commemorates the birth anniversary of the father of Indian Library Science, Dr. S. R. Ranganathan as Librarian’s Day on 12th August 2021.

 As part of the celebration, the participant has to write and then upload 60 seconds short video recording while reading about “Importance of Libraries in Your Education/Life” and upload the photograph of their write-up / script is read.  Mention your name and other details on the script, which will be featured on the AIKTC-KRRC website and Social media channels.

You may wear your traditional attire and talk about your passion for libraries in English/Hindi/Marathi. 

 WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: The competition is open to all AIKTCian's.

🔗 Registration Link:

Last date for submission: 12th August, 2021

 👉 Participation certificates will be given to all the participants. 

👉 Top Three winners will be provided with Appreciation Certificates.

 Kindly participate and also motivate other stakeholders for participation.


📞 For any query, kindly contact:

Mrs. Shaheen Momin, Librarian, 9819060407

Prof. Tehsin Kazi, (CE)

Prof. Poonam Mhatre (SoA)

Prof. NikhatFarhana (SoP)


Dr Abdul Razak Honnutagi

(Director - AIKTC)


Mr. Burhan Harris

(Hon. Exe. Chairman, BINM)