Friday, November 04, 2022

Dr. Zahir Kazi, President Anjuman-I-Islam's USA visit - TED Talk at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. ' 21st October 2022

A TED talk presentation by Dr Zahir Kazi on the journey of philanthropic foundations and their impact on the ground was delivered in the august presence of investment professionals, corporate executives, academicians, and community leaders.

Dr. Zahir Kazi spoke on education for the underprivileged, women empowerment, orphanages managed by Anjuman-I-Islam, innovations in engineering institutions, support from the current and former governments without any discrimination with Anjuman-I-Islam, and introduced newly formed sister concern of Anjuman-I-Islam in New York, USA - Overseas Friends of Anjuman Inc (OFA).

Key message: Hunger makes the student of Anjuman-I-Islam great performers. Therefore, Anjuman-I-Islam strives for excellence in education that will make them good Indians, good global citizens and good human beings.

The TED talk by Dr. Kazi  was super impressive and immensely.