Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Engineering diploma syllabi get a revamp


 Curricula for second year and third year to be changed from this year to boost employability

The syllabi for second-year and third-year diploma engineering programmes have been upgraded to make students more employable, and the revised curricula will be followed from this academic year, officials of the Higher Education department have said.

A special syllabus-revision committee has been formed, comprising a senior faculty from a polytechnic college, a professor from a higher learning institution, and industry experts in the respective fields of engineering, they added.

Pointing out that the syllabus for first-year students was revised in the last academic session, a senior official of the Higher Education department added, “Based on the inputs of industry experts, the committee has revised the curriculum to enhance the employability of diploma holders. The new syllabus for second-year and third-year students will be implemented from the academic year 2021-22.”

Highlighting the recommendations of the expert committee, officials said a new subject on concrete technology and sustainable green building technology, among other things, has been suggested for the civil engineering course.

“The new addition of subjects has been made keeping in mind the current needs in the market. The new skills will help our students secure better employment and fulfil the expectations of industries,” said an official.