Saturday, December 09, 2017

Injectable gel may help mend damaged cardiac muscles

Washington: Scientists have found an injectable gel that may help regrow cardiac muscles after heart attack.
The gel slowly releases short gene sequences known as microRNAs into the heart muscle, according to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania. After a heart attack, there is a dramatic loss of these heart muscle cells and those that survive cannot effectively replicate. With fewer of these contractile cells, known as cardiomyocytes, the heart pumps less blood with each beat, leading to the increased mortality associated with heart disease. For the study, the researchers used mouse models to demonstrate a new approach. Though the reasons cardiomyocytes do not regenerate are not fully understood, the researchers used microRNAs that target signalling pathways related to cell proliferation. They were able to inhibit some of the inherent “stop” signals that keep cardiomyocytes from replicating. This resulted in cardiomyocytes reactivating their proliferative potential. With more heart cells dividing and reproducing, mice treated with this gel after heart attack showed improved recovery in key clinically relevant categories.

Source: DNA-1st December,2017